Start earning with Themeforest by sell your template and the WordPress version

Free commercial license Earn up to $20 for every sale Get 50% commissions

Start earning

Start earning and unleash the power of the framework by develop commercial templates for Themeforest. Almost all the common features of the multipurpose templates are included, you just need to focus on design and contents. You can also provide to your customuers this website as documentation so you not need to create it.

WordPress version

You can convert your template to the WordPress version yourself with WPTF in few days or we can develop the WordPress version of your template for you and pay you 50% of the earnings generated by every sale, between $16 and $20 based on the theme price! You earn by doing nothing, just send us the template and start earning!

The framework has been already approved multiple times by Envato.

It's all free, use HTWF to create the template to sell on Themefores for free.

Get 50% of the earnings generated by every sale, between $16 and $20.

You earn by doing nothing, just send us the template and start earning.

Your WordPress theme will be published by the Envato author Schiocco. This mean exclusive advantages for your theme with the result of generate more sales and bigger earnings:

  • Solid 5 of 5 stars rating
  • Premium 24/7 support
  • Elite author

Check profile on Envato

Your items, both your static templates and the WordPress themes, will get also a big visibility due will be inserted at the top of templates gallery and themes gallery pages. We constantly perform marketing campaign to bring new users to these pages and improve the sales of your items!


In order to get your template accepted for the WordPress conversion there are some requirements that you must meet.

If you don't respect these requirements you can still create and publish the WordPress version yourself with WPTF.


HTWF License Download
  • Do not insert any custom HTML code, use always the codes of the framework, all the codes snippets can be found by visit the documentation (this website). The only allowed custom codes are the CSS, insert all your styles into the skin.css file. You can use also JS\JQUERY but all the codes must be inserted into one single dedicated .js file.
  • Only high quality designs are accepted. We can accept only templates that look really good and so that generate good sales.
  • The design must cover all the framework components (titltes, headers, components, containers) not only the ones used by your template demos. You can be sure to cover all the components by check with your design the pages under Features menu of the Template folder included in the download, like showed here. Don't worry, most components will already display correctly also with your design, you need only to fix some CSS, it's a fast work.
  • The static template must be already approved by Themeforest.