Documentation of all the image box and advanced image box types
<!-- IMAGE BOX --> <a class="img-box lightbox" href=""> <img src="" alt="" /> </a> <!-- IMAGE BOX WITH THUMBNAIL --> <a class="img-box lightbox thumbnail" href=""> <span><img src="" alt="" /></span> </a>
<!-- Circle image box --> <a class="img-box lightbox circle" href=""> <img src="" alt="" /> </a> <!-- Circle image box WITH THUMBNAIL --> <a class="img-box lightbox thumbnail circle" href=""> <img src="" alt="" /> </a>
<!-- OUTER CAPTION --> <a class="img-box lightbox" href=""> <span><img src="" alt="" /></span> <span class="caption"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing </span> </a> <!-- OUTER CAPTION WITH THUMBNAIL --> <a class="img-box lightbox thumbnail" href=""> <span><img src="" alt="" /></span> <span class="caption"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing </span> </a> <!-- INNER CAPTION --> <a class="img-box lightbox inner" href=""> <span><img src="" alt="" /></span> <span class="caption-box"> <span class="caption"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing </span> </span> </a> <!-- INNER CAPTION WITH THUMBNAIL --> <a class="img-box lightbox thumbnail inner" href=""> <span> <img src="" alt="" /> </span> <span class="caption-box"> <span class="caption"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing </span> </span> </a>
<!-- CIRCLE OUTER CAPTION --> <a class="img-box lightbox circle" href=""> <img src="" alt="" /> </a> <div class="caption caption-out"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing </div> <!-- CIRCLE INNER CAPTION --> <a class="img-box lightbox circle inner" href=""> <img src="" alt="" /> <span class="caption"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing </span> </a> <!-- CIRCLE INNER CAPTION WITH THUMBNAIL--> <a class="img-box lightbox circle inner thumbnail" href=""> <img src="" alt="" /> <span class="caption"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing </span> </a>
<!-- BASE WITH ICON --> <a class="img-box lightbox" href=""> <i class="fa fa-film"></i> <img src="" alt="" /> </a> <!-- INNER CAPTION THUMBNAIL WITH ICON --> <a class="img-box lightbox thumbnail inner i-top-right" href=""> <span> <i class="fa fa-photo"></i> <img src="" alt="" /> </span> <span class="caption-box"> <span class="caption"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing </span> </span> </a>
<!-- CIRCLE BASE WITH ICON --> <a class="img-box lightbox circle inner i-center" href=""> <i class="fa fa-camera"></i> <img src="" alt="" /> </a> <!-- CIRCLE INNER CAPTION THUMBNAIL WITH ICON --> <a class="img-box lightbox circle inner thumbnail i-center" href=""> <i class="fa fa-file-audio-o"></i> <img src="" alt="" /> <span class="caption"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing </span> </a>
<!-- TOP LEFT --> <a class="img-box lightbox " href=""> <i class="fa fa-camera"></i> <img src="" alt="" /> </a> <!-- BOTTOM LEFT --> <a class="img-box lightbox i-bottom" href=""> <span> <i class="fa fa-camera"></i> <img src="" alt="" /> </span> </a> <!-- TOP RIGHT --> <a class="img-box lightbox i-top-right" href=""> <span> <i class="fa fa-camera"></i> <img src="" alt="" /> </span> </a> <!-- BOTTOM RIGHT --> <a class="img-box lightbox i-bottom-right" href=""> <i class="fa fa-camera"></i> <img src="" alt="" /> </a> <!-- CENTER --> <a class="img-box lightbox i-center" href=""> <i class="fa fa-camera"></i> <img src="" alt="" /> </a>
Name | Type | Description | ||||||||||||
Lightbox | CSS class |
To show a lightbox on click add class lightbox to image box object.
Plugin dependencyThis feature require Magnific Popup Plugin ( |
Thumbnail | CSS class |
Add class thumbnail to image box object. Example: <a class="img-box thumbnail" href="#"> ... </a> .
Icon position | CSS class |
You can set 4 icon positions by add position class to image box object. Example: <a class="img-box i-center" href="#"> ... </a> .
Icons | Mixed |
You can change the icons by edit <i class="fa fa-icon-name"></i> items of menu <ul class="nav navbar-nav"> ... </ul> ,
replace fa-icon-name with the class icon you want.
You can use 3 icons family sets: Font Awesome, Icon Mind Solid, Icons Mind Line. Click the buttons below for the complete icons lists.
Font Awesome icons list Icons Mind icons list |
Images position and sizing | HTML |
Plugin Images Loaded listen images loading and trigger a function on load complete.
Use this plugin to auto center vertically and horizontally the image within img-box container,
image will be also resized to fetch the height and width of img-box container.
This plugin is auto activated for image box component. You can manually call the images rendering with $('#target-container .img-box').renderLoadedImgs(); .
Replace #target-container with the ID of container of image box components you want to render, all image box components within this container will be processed.
Plugin dependencyThis feature require Images Loaded Plugin ( |
Gray effect | CSS class |
To set gray effect to a image add class grayscale to img-box object.
PNG hover | CSS class |
To set remove the dark overlay on mouse hover add class png-over to the container of the image box component.
<!-- EXAMPLE 1 --> <a class="img-box lightbox img-scale-up" href=""> <img src="" alt="" /> </a> <!-- EXAMPLE 2 --> <a class="img-box thumbnail lightbox img-scale-up" href=""> <span><img src="" alt="" /></span> </a> <!-- EXAMPLE 3 --> <a class="img-box lightbox thumbnail img-scale-up" href=""> <span><img src="" alt="" /></span> <span class="caption"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing </span> </a> <!-- EXAMPLE 4 --> <a class="img-box lightbox thumbnail inner img-scale-up" href=""> <span> <img src="" alt="" /> </span> <span class="caption-box"> <span class="caption"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing </span> </span> </a>
<!-- EXAMPLE 1 --> <a class="img-box lightbox" data-anima="fade-left" data-trigger="hover" data-anima-out="hide" href=""> <i class="fa fa-film anima"></i> <img src="" alt="" /> </a> <!-- EXAMPLE 2 --> <a class="img-box lightbox thumbnail inner" data-anima="fade-left" data-trigger="hover" data-anima-out="hide" href=""> <span> <i class="im-thumb anima"></i> <img src="" alt="" /> </span> <span class="caption-box"> <span class="caption"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing </span> </span> </a>
<a class="img-box lightbox thumbnail inner img-scale-up" data-anima="fade-left" data-trigger="hover" data-anima-out="hide" href=""> <span> <i class="im-thumb anima"></i> <img src="" alt="" /> </span> <span class="caption-box"> <span class="caption"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing </span> </span> </a>
<!-- EXAMPLE 1 --> <a class="img-box lightbox circle inner i-center img-scale-up" data-anima="fade-left" data-trigger="hover" data-anima-out="hide" href=""> <i class="fa fa-camera anima"></i> <img src="" alt="" /> </a> <!-- EXAMPLE 2 --> <a class="img-box lightbox circle inner thumbnail i-center img-scale-up" data-anima="fade-left" data-trigger="hover" data-anima-out="hide" href=""> <i class="fa fa-file-audio-o anima"></i> <img src="" alt="" /> <span class="caption"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing </span> </a>
<!-- EXAMPLE 1 --> <a class="img-box lightbox thumbnail inner img-scale-up" data-anima="fade-left" data-trigger="hover" href=""> <span> <i class="im-thumb anima"></i> <img src="" alt="" /> </span> <span class="caption-box"> <span class="caption"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing </span> </span> </a> <!-- EXAMPLE 2 --> <a class="img-box lightbox thumbnail inner img-scale-up" data-anima="fade-bottom" data-trigger="hover" data-anima-out="hide" href=""> <span> <i class="im-thumb anima"></i> <img src="" alt="" /> </span> <span class="caption-box"> <span class="caption anima"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing </span> </span> </a> <!-- EXAMPLE 3 --> <a class="img-box lightbox thumbnail inner img-scale-up" data-anima="fade-bottom" data-trigger="hover" href=""> <span> <i class="im-thumb anima"></i> <img src="" alt="" /> </span> <span class="caption-box"> <span class="caption anima anima-pulse-vertical"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing </span> </span> </a> <!-- EXAMPLE 4 --> <a class="img-box lightbox thumbnail inner img-scale-up" data-anima="pulse-fast" data-trigger="hover" href=""> <span> <i class="im-thumb"></i> <img src="" alt="" /> </span> <span class="caption-box"> <span class="caption"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing </span> </span> </a>
Name | Type | Description | ||||||||
Animations | Mixed |
The animations are a feature of Animations component.
Component dependencyThis feature require Animations component ( |
Simple animation | CSS class |
To animate a image box you need to add the animation class you want with the img- prefix before the class name,
the animations list is available on animation page.Example: <a class="img-box img-scale-up" href="../../images/large/image-1.jpg"><img src="..."></a> for animation scale-up .
Supported animation classes are:
Icon animation | CSS class |
To animate the icon use the inner animation target feature of animation page.
Add the animation code data-anima="fade-bottom" data-trigger="hover" data-anima-out="hide" to the image box and add class anima to the icon code.
Icon and image animation | CSS class | To animate both icon and image of a image box you need to combine the two features described above, see examples for more details. |
Tempor incididunt sed
Tempor incididunt sed
Tempor incididunt sed
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../HTWF/css/image-box.css">
<div class="img-box adv-img adv-img-half-content" data-anima="fade-left" data-trigger="hover"> <i class="im-thumb anima"></i> <a href="#" class="img-box lightbox anima-scale-up anima"> <img src="" alt="" /> </a> <div class="caption"> <h2>Advanced image box</h2> <p> ... </p> <p class="sub"> ... </p> </div> </div>
<div class="adv-img-double-content"> <div class="img-box adv-img adv-img-half-content" data-anima="fade-bottom" data-trigger="hover" data-anima-out="hide"> <i class="fa fa-clock-o anima anima-fade-left"></i> <a class="img-box img-fade-bottom" href="#"> <img alt="" src=""> </a> <div class="caption anima"> <h3>Advanced image box</h3> <p> ... </p> </div> </div> <div class="caption-bottom"> <h2>Advanced image box</h2> <p> ... </p> </div> </div>
<div class="img-box adv-img adv-img-side-content i-top-right" data-anima="scale-up" data-trigger="hover"> <i class="im-thumb anima"></i> <a class="img-box" href="#"> <img class="anima" src="" alt="" /> </a> <div class="caption"> <h2>Advanced image box</h2> <p> ... </p> </div> </div>
<div class="img-box adv-img adv-img-full-content" data-anima="fade-top" data-trigger="hover" data-anima-out="hide"> <div class="img-box anima-scale-up anima"> <img src="" alt="" /> </div> <a href="#" class="caption-bg img-box anima"> <div class="caption"> <div class="inner"> <i class="fa fa-pagelines anima main-icon"></i> <h2>Advanced image box</h2> <p class="sub"> ... </p> </div> </div> </a> </div>
<div class="img-box adv-img adv-img-button-content" data-anima="fade-left" data-trigger="hover" data-anima-out="hide"> <a class="img-box anima-scale-up anima"> <img src="" alt="" /> </a> <div class="caption"> <div class="inner"> <h2>Advanced image box</h2> <p class="sub">Tempor incididunt sed</p> <a href="#"><i class="fa fa-link text-m circle anima"></i></a> <a class="lightbox" href="../../images/large/image-10.jpg"> <i class="fa fa-search text-m circle anima-fade-right anima"></i> </a> </div> </div> </div>
<div class="img-box adv-img adv-img-down-text"> <a class="img-box img-scale-up lightbox i-center" href=""> <div class="caption"> <i class="fa fa-plus"></i> </div> <img src="" alt="" /> </a> <div class="caption-bottom"> <h2><a href="#">The begion of a new age</a></h2> <p>Tempor incididunt sed</p> </div> </div>
<div class="img-box adv-img adv-img-classic-box white"> <div class="img-box"> <img src="" alt="" /> </div> <a href="" class="caption img-box lightbox"> <div class="caption-inner"> <h2>BOOKCASE DESIGN</h2> <p class="sub-text"> ... </p> <p class="big-text"> ... </p> </div> </a> </div>
Name | Type | Description |
Animations | Mixed |
The animations are a feature of animations component.
Component dependencyThis feature require animations component ( |
Box title | HTML |
You can add a title and subtitle to every advanced image box by insert this HTML code below the image box container, example:<div class="img-box adv-img adv-img-full-content"> ... </div> <div class="caption-bottom"> <h2>Title of the box</h2> <p>Tempor incididunt sed</p> </div> |
Show on hover | CSS class |
To show content on mouse hover add class anima to content / caption object of target object, target object must have animation attributes.
Add attribute data-anima-out="hide" to target object.
Go to animation page for more details.
Example: <div class="caption anima"> ... </div> .
Half content - top | CSS class |
To show content on right position add class caption-top to content object of target object.
Example: <div class="caption caption-top"> ... </div> .
Side content - right | CSS class |
To show content on right position add class caption-right to content object of target object.
Example: <div class="caption caption-right"> ... </div> .
<a data-anima="fade-in" data-trigger="hover" data-anima-out="hide" class="img-box lightbox adv-circle circle adv-circle-center" href="#"> <i class="fa fa-globe anima"></i> <img src="" alt="" /> <div class="caption anima"> <h2>Circle image box</h2> <p>Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore beatae vitae dicta</p> </div> </a>
<a data-anima="fade-in" data-trigger="hover" data-anima-out="hide" class="img-box lightbox adv-circle circle adv-circle-center-2" href="#"> <i class="fa fa-scissors anima"></i> <img src="" alt="" /> <div class="caption anima"> <div class="inner"> <h2>Circle image box</h2> <p>Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore</p> <p class="sub"><i class="fa fa-calendar-o"></i> Category | 25 dec 2018</p> </div> </div> </a>
<a data-anima="fade-bottom" data-trigger="hover" data-anima-out="hide" class="img-box lightbox adv-circle circle adv-circle-half" href="../../images/large/image-2.jpg"> <i class="fa fa-question anima"></i> <img src="" alt="" /> <div class="caption anima"> <h2>Circle image box</h2> <p>Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt beatae vitae dicta</p> </div> </a>
<a data-anima="fade-bottom" data-trigger="hover" data-anima-out="hide" class="img-box lightbox adv-circle circle adv-circle-bottom i-center" href="../../images/large/image-2.jpg"> <i class="fa fa-question anima"></i> <img src="" alt="" /> <div class="caption anima"> <h2>IMAGE BOX</h2> <p>Sed do eiusmoda</p> </div> </a>
<a data-anima="show-scale" data-trigger="hover" data-anima-out="hide" class="img-box lightbox adv-circle circle adv-circle-bg" href="../../images/large/image-2.jpg"> <i class="fa fa-briefcase anima"></i> <img src="" alt="" /> <div class="caption anima"> <h2>Circle image box</h2> <p>Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore</p> </div> </a>
Name | Type | Description |
Animations | Mixed |
The animations are a feature of animations component.
Component dependencyThis feature require animations component ( |
Always visible | CSS Class |
To set a always visible content add class show to target object and remove attribute data-anima-out="hide" .
Example: <a class="img-box scale adv-circle circle adv-circle-bg-icon show" href="../../images/large/image-2.jpg"> ... </div> .